Saturday, July 23, 2011

The big exchange or 12 hours of .....

So today was the day.  We were finally able to plan on a day of sun and we took advantage of it by "flipping" the garages.  You may remember that one of the main reasons we bought this place was the third car garage that could be turned into a shop.  During the past few months we have been using the main, 2-car garage for a shop and staging and we used the third-car garage for storage of a lot of our stuff.  Well it was time for the big swap and today was the day.  All I can say is that, contrary to my husband's belief, we have waaaaaaay too much stuff.  That said, we are doing our best to pare down and got a fairly good start on it today....  there is a lot more to do, but.......  And on another front we have a new teenage neighbor, Anna, who was  looking for work and she worked on the yard today while we worked on the garage.  She was so fast that she ended up helping us for the last 1/2 hour!   It was great!  Thanks, Anna!

Drat!  See those boxes, they  are invading the house from the garage again!  The good news is we are already
sorted some of the cook books and some are ready to depart!  
All those boxes on the left are full of books and you are just seeing the first row!  There are three of them.
Anna asked if we'd ever heard of selling them.......  LOVE IT!  Bill just chuckled.  
The view from the garages!  Oh my, where did we get all this stuff!  And, maybe more important, WHY!?!?!?!?!
The third-car garage cleaned out and almost ready for shop equipment!  Yahoo!  It looks so light compared
to the dark cramped space it was all winter!  I should have take a before picture!
The two-car garage before the exchange.....  And we'd already put a lot of stuff in the driveway!  I found
myself fondly remembering my Uncle Fritz and and Peg's basement and shop - so CLEAN!
Anyone want a 'speed bag platform' and bags.  Bill finally
agreed to give it up today.  The previous owner's family
had no use for it so it was just left in the garage.
Okay, so it isn't spotless or well organized yet!  It is such an improvement already.  Some of those old kitchen
cupboards are going to be moved in soon so there will be better storage! (And we'll have access to our
back porch! Yahoo!)
The view from outside!  Looks better from here!
And the two car garage with all the stuff from the third-car garage sorted (house stuff, garage stuff, for sale
stuff, and stuff waiting to be picked up) and ready for distribution.  It will be better soon - as Bill build cabinets and shelving/storage and we reorganize the cabinets to the left.  Ah, it's been a long day, but it feels great!
(Oh yeah,  I have to confess to an hour swim with my friend Becky at Lake Padden this afternoon!  It was great and sooooo refreshing!  I came bak in a much better mood and reinvigorated.)

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